What to Expect During a Home Remodel
Carolina Home Remodeling & Painting understand that taking on a big home project can bring a lot of emotions. On one hand, you feel excited for the future memories that you will be making in the new spaces in your home. On the other hand, you may be feeling anxious and nervous about all the unknowns. Having these feelings is totally normal. Carolina Home Remodeling & Painting wants to provide you with a handy guideline of what to expect every step of the way, from estimation to execution. We understand you have questions. How much will it cost? How long will it take? We pride ourselves on sticking to our schedules as best we can. But unfortunately sometimes problems can arise that are out of our control. These problems can include acts of God, irregular framing, asbestos, jerry-rigged walls, and more. We truly have no way of knowing what will happen during your project. Your project is right on budget, the sheer amount of money you are spending may cause a bit of a freakout. If you’re used to writing four-digit checks, you can easily be writing checks with one or two more zeros when investing in remodels and renovations such as kitchens and bathrooms. When costs increase, we understand that can increase your already high anxiety level. To alleviate your stress, having a minimum of 10-15% above contract cash on hand for contingencies is recommended. Our team will walk alongside you during the whole process. We are building your future dream home and we look forward to you and your loved ones being able to make long lasting memories in your new space.